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Which Types of Protein are Best for Me?
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Which Types of Protein are Best for Me?

The different Types of Protein Sources & How to Choose?

Protein is highly essential to maintain a healthy diet. Proteins are made of blocks that are called amino acid that is needed for balanced growth and energy. Protein provides energy and supports cognitive functions. The benefits of including protein in the correct amount in your diet are manifold:

  1. It helps the immune system stay healthy and functioning
  2. It is good for heart health and respiratory system
  3. It is vital for the proper growth of children and for maintaining the health of aged people
  4. Helps to fight diabetes and cardiovascular conditions
  5. Can keep your mood uplifted and also boost resistance
  6. It also promotes healthy skin, nail, hair
Proteins are an essential part of the human diet. They are found in a variety of foods like eggs, dairy, seafood, legumes, meats, nuts, and seeds. Regardless of the source, the protein that we eat gets broken down and reformed into new proteins in our bodies.

The Different Types Protein Sources

This macronutrient is necessary for proper building, maintenance, and also repairs of body tissues and cells. There are mainly two types of protein sources – animal and plant.

Whey, Casein, Chicken, Beef, Egg are all animal-based proteins. Whereas Chickpea, Pea, Soy, Brown Rice are examples of some vital plant-based proteins. Some of the excellent sources of protein are:-

  1. Poultry – a great source of high-quality lean protein
  2. Dairy Products 0 Including milk, cheese, and yogurt in your diet will supply a good portion of the protein that your body requires
  3. Eggs – When you think of protein, eggs are the first to cross your mind. Normal adults with a regular health condition can easily consume an egg a day.
  4. Beans – This is one plant-based protein that can compete with animal-based protein when it comes to its goodness. They are inexpensive and tasty
  5. Seafood – A very good source of protein. Fish like salmon has omega-3 which is excellent for health.
  6. Soy Products – Very good for heart health and also help to lower cholesterol
  7. Nuts and seed – These are also rich sources of protein

How to Choose The Best Protein Source?

So, including these food items in your diet in varying quantities on a day-to-day basis will supply the needed level of protein that your body needs. But here, a vital question is how to choose the correct source of protein that will suit your bodily requirements. Various factors will dictate the amount of protein that each needs to intake regularly. Similarly, you can choose the right source of protein depending on factors like your diet habits, health conditions, and age. Remember, if deficiency is bad, excess protein in your body can also lead to complications. So, maintain the correct balance and let protein do the job for you.

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