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Great Benefits of Keto Diet
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Great Benefits of Keto Diet

Keto, also called Ketogenic, might be great for weight loss.

The Keto Diet emphasises deriving most of the energy that the body uses from fat sources. In particular, it restricts the carb intake to the bare minimum. Unfortunately, the restriction is so strict that it excludes many vegetables and most fruits. Nevertheless, those who support eating Keto food believe that it is a great way to maintain health and fitness.  

A Keto diet includes a lot of meat and fish. However, it practically includes no carbohydrates. Doing this on a sustained basis leads the body’s mechanism to Ketosis, where the body burns fat instead of carbs to derive necessary energy.

There are many health benefits of the Keto diet. For example, low carb intake directly reflects on blood sugar. In addition, the Keto diet reduces hunger and cravings. These factors help people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The Keto diet is also found to be helping epilepsy patients.

How to Start a Keto Diet

List of Health Benefits of Keto Diet

  • Keto being a low-carb diet, reduces appetite. Therefore, many problems related to obesity and binge eating are solved by switching to a Keto diet.
  • A Keto diet leads to instant weight loss. However, as the food intake remains moderate, Keto does not promote weight gain. Cutting down on carb is an effective way of losing weight.
  • As the Keto diet promotes weight loss, most of the fat loss comes from the abdominal cavity. This is good news because fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity is linked to metabolic problems.
  • A Keto diet reduces blood sugar and insulin levels. It is excellent news for people with Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Switching over to keto can help some diabetes patients to cut down on insulin intake by 50%.
  • Cutting carbs can lower blood pressure which is a leading cause of many diseases such as stroke, heart diseases, and kidney failure.

Keto Diet: Game Changer

The Keto diet is a highly low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. It restricts the carb intake to less than 50 grams per day. That’s roughly four slices of bread. A typical keto diet constitutes 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. To many people, the Keto diet has offered solutions to their health problems and has come to be accepted as a popular substitute for carb-rich diets.  

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